2023 Legislative Update
The annual Legislative Update highlights the current Minnesota legislative session and the issues that are impacting area businesses and organizations. Featuring regional legislators Senator Boldon, Senator Nelson, Representative Jacob, and Representative Smith as panelists, and Commissioner Daubenberger of MNDOT delivering remarks, this event connects Chamber members directly with the decision makers in St. Paul for information and discussion on the legislative session.
11:00am – Registration
11:30am – Welcome/Lunch Served
11:35am – Legislative Panel Discussion
Moderator – Jon Olson, Vice President of University Advancement, Winona State University
- Senator Liz Boldon, District 25
- Senator Carla Nelson, District 24
- Representative Steven Jacob, District 20B
- Representative Andy Smith, District 25B
- Commissioner Nancy Daubenberger, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Registration closes Friday, March 24th
Event Sponsors

Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 5, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
The Hilton Rochester Mayo Clinic Area
10 E Center St.
Rochester, MN 55904
Lunch is included
$40 members
$50 general admission
$350 table (contact Jonathon to purchase a table)
Contact Information
Jonathon Krull
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