2023 Higher Education Outlook
The greater Rochester area possesses a strong and engaged collection of higher education institutions. These organizations play an important role in training the future workforce and next generation of leaders. In addition, these educational institutions employ a significant number of people in the region. It is critical for the business community to maintain a close relationship with higher ed, and the Higher Education Outlook is an event which provides this opportunity. From updates on projects and initiatives, to identifying emerging workforce trends, this annual event connects business and education leaders to discuss collaboration and engagement opportunities between the private and educational sectors.
Join us on Wednesday, October 4th from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. as students and leadership from local higher education institutions share the outlook on higher education in the Rochester region.
Opening Remarks:
- Deputy Commissioner Winnie Sullivan, Minnesota Office of Higher Education
- Rochester Community and Technical College
- Maple Lassila, A.S. Environmental Science
- University of Minnesota Rochester
- Mia Cuccio '24, B.S. Health Sciences
- Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
- Patrick Derleth '24, B.A. in History
- Winona State University
- Tyler Peil '25, M.A. in Sports Management
- Rochester Community and Technical College
- Dr. Jeffery Boyd, President
- University of Minnesota Rochester
- Dr. Lori Carrell, Chancellor
- Saint Mary's University of Minnesota
- Dr. Max Bonilla, Provost and Dean of Faculties
- Winona State University
- Dr. Ken Janz, Interim President
Registration Deadline is Friday, September 29th.
Event Sponsors

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 4, 2023
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
In-person event
Rochester Community and Technical College
Heintz Commons
1926 Collegeview Rd E
Rochester, MN 55904
$30 Member Admission
$45 General Admission
Contact Information
Jonathon Krull
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